The Importance of Local SEO

SEO is important for all businesses. However, if you’re a small local business, you might feel intimidated by the idea of having to compete against the big guys to rank for your industry. That’s where local search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. Localized SEO factors into search results more than ever since Google’s massive ‘Possum’ update last year to their search engine algorithm. SEO targeting an area can be crucial to ranking your business near the top of a page of search results, bringing in more customers and driving more sales.

There are several key elements to local SEO, including making sure you have consistent information about your business wherever it may be listed. Consider, for example, John Smith Law Firm, LLC. This may be written out as Smith Law, LLC, JS Law, John Smith Law Firm, and dozens of other ways.

But Google rankings rely heavily on consistent mentions of your business to measure trust and reliability; making sure that your business name, address, and phone number are the same all over the web is the number one way to make sure Google knows who you are, and leaves no room for confusion.

The rules of Google Places are complex, but it is important to follow them closely. For example, did you know that you lose ranking by listing a toll-free number instead of a local one? Or for using a vanity number (1-800-COMCAST) instead of an all-numerical listing? Some of Google’s rules are not as intuitive, especially compared to the real world, but nonetheless they must be followed to the letter to avoid being penalized.

Of course, you also need a website full of quality content. But not just any content. To rank highly for local SEO, your content needs to be closely tailored to your local market. Use neighborhood names and local street addresses, and maps, to connect your business to the area in which you operate. Crucial and valuable content for high search-engine rankings include customer testimonials, descriptions of local events your business has been involved in, and keywords that locals would use.

All of this might sound like a pain; it’s a lot of things to keep track of and keep on top of, but it can be vital to your business to get it right. Don’t let a lack of proper web presence diminish your business. You can be sure your competitors aren’t.

Web4Site has years of experience helping local clients rank in their industry, bringing in foot traffic, phone calls, and sales. Put your local SEO needs in the hands of professionals, with our limited-time Local SEO Special for brick-and-mortar businesses in the Atlanta area. Our team will manage your social media, fix your keywords, write and post your blogs, share your location and business hours, and start and have conversations with potential customers for only $300 a month for a three-month minimum. Act now, as we are only offering this special to a limited number of new clients!

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